Archive for 2012

Yummy Kerala food, recipe one: Dosa part 1

There is a crêpe-like dish made for breakfast in southern India called Dosa in Malalayalam or Dosai in Tamil. Here is one way to make it. Read more »

How to print great B&W photos (2) - redirecting the CMY channels

Ink channel definitions relevant to R2880 need to be modified so that in three colour composite mode the cyan, magenta, and yellow inks are substituted with the LLK, PK, and LK inks. Read more »

A walk along the St Andrews Pier

One warm summer afternoon a young couple went for a stroll along the pier in St Andrews... Read more »

Poems of Théodore de Banville (Part One)

A chance find of an old book while rummaging through an untidy pile in a small second-hand bookshop not too far from the Sacred Heart Church of Montmartre led me to this nineteenth century French poet. Read more »

A Kerala fantasy movie

Sixteenth century Kerala had remarkably harmonious Hindu-Muslim relations. Here is a movie based on a legend from that time. Read more »